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Now Is a Great Time to Schedule Air Conditioning Maintenance


We’re still not out of February just yet, and the temperatures around here have been fairly mild during the days, and pretty chilly at night. All of that is going to change pretty soon though, as the impending summer season draws closer and closer. It behooves you to start planning for that inevitability, and part of planning for summer is preparing your air conditioning system for the challenges that lie ahead. That is why you are wise to consider your air conditioning system’s maintenance needs now, before the heat of the summer season draws any closer. It’s only going to get hotter and hotter as it does, and you want your system in prime working condition before it is in use round the clock.

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Why Schedule Service Prior to the Cooling Season?

In truth, the time of the year that you schedule your air conditioning maintenance for is not really that important. Some people think that it makes the most sense to have a system tuned-up right before putting it into regular rotation, while others prefer to do it at the end of the season in order to address the wear and tear it has incurred. Either way is fine, so long as you are sticking to a strict annual schedule. If you had your system maintained in the spring of last year, for instance, then used it all summer long, you really should not wait until the close of this cooling season to have it serviced again, as that is two long, intense seasons of hard work that your system will have completed.

Additionally, you should keep in mind the fact that air conditioning technicians are only going to get busier as the summer season progresses. This is when systems will typically begin to develop operational issues, as they are working their hardest. It really doesn’t make sense to wait until the busiest point of the season in order to schedule routine heating maintenance. You may wind up waiting longer than you’d like, or resigning yourself to working with a company you normally wouldn’t, just because they are available.

Contact IERNA’s Heating & Cooling to schedule your air conditioning maintenance in Tampa, FL.
